Skin Tag Treatment- Things You Should Know Before Opting For Skin Tag Removal

Skin Tags are a kind of skin deformity and often confused with moles. These tags are very small pieces of skin with thick stems and always harmless. You can spot them easily and commonly on the eyelids, neck, armpits, under the breast, etc. 

Although people generally do not go for skin tag treatments, Many choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons or discomfort. These tags can be removed in a  variety of ways, but it is advisable to visit a skin tag removal treatment center in OC and let the doctor decide how to remove your skin tag. Generally, skin tags are removed by cutting them off with a scalpel or surgical scissors and some also use liquid nitrogen. Doctors usually swab or spray a little amount of liquid nitrogen on tags and they will fall off on its own.

Skin tags can also be removed by burning them off. An electric current is passed through a wire which becomes hot, burn off the upper layer of the skin to remove the tag.

Before we talk about how to get rid of tags, let’s understand the root causes of getting skin tags first-

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags can happen to anyone, but they are more likely to develop in adults than kids. Here are a few factors linked to the development of skin tags-



Obesity and the friction are primary reason for developing skin tags. In obese people, skin is more likely to rub against itself and that stimulates skin tag growth.


During pregnancy, all types of skin lesions grow, and coupled with a heavier than normal body weight, it increases friction in the area of rubbing such as the inner thighs or underarms. 


Skin tags are often linked to diabetes. the body's resistance to insulin might have something to do with t. But it is not scientifically proven. So, in case you have diabetes, you have a higher risk of developing skin tags.

Skin Tag Treatment Procedure-

As said before, skin tag removal is not a mandatory process and doesn't always need to be treated. In case, these tags are bothersome to you, there are different home and medical treatment options available.

If the tag is very small, then the doctor will spray a small amount of cold liquid nitrogen out of a cold can for a few seconds. the tag falls off within a few days. It will sting for a few seconds, and the area may turn red and inflamed. In fact, some may get little blister or scab over as the extreme cold nitrogen has destroyed some skin cells as well to remove the tags.

In case, the skin tags are bigger, and have a thicker stem at the bottom, then you will get a miniature injection of lidocaine to numb the skin, and they will just cut that right off with very sharp sterile scissors. the entire procedure will take only a few seconds.

How to Prevent Skin Tags Development?

You can minimize the chances of having skin tags by reducing skin friction for example, by not wearing necklaces that can rub on the skin. It can help keep new tags from developing. Removed skin tags don’t typically grow back, though new ones may grow in the same general area where tags have previously popped up. A healthy diet and lifestyle can also help you keep blood sugar level low, which may also help prevent skin tags development.

Don't Try to Remove Skin Tags at Home

Doctors do not recommend that you remove the skin tags yourself. As you are not an experience of doing it, maybe part of it left behind and you may have a hard time healing. People often try to remove tags by tying it using a dental floss or thread around it to strangulate the tag and end up killing part of the tissues. Such patients often visit skin tag removal treatment centre in OC with a sore, red and inflamed bump.

Furthermore, infection is another risk, and you may also face bleeding issue.


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